Charakam Leak Muk [EP.06]

In 1939, the domestic situation in China was like a huge vortex, in which all forces were entangled in a hopeless struggle. One wrong move could end the game. The silent and calm Fang Tao( played by Wu Xiubo) is a chess piece in this struggle and a pivotal move. He has multiple individualities. On the face he’s a staff member of the Belgian Embassy, but intimately he’s a gun of the Communist Party, a asset of the military commander, and a member of the Youth Gang. No bone knows his true identity, and no bone can fluently escape his gun kill.

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  • 01.Charakam Leak Muk

  • 02.Charakam Leak Muk

  • 03.Charakam Leak Muk

  • 04.Charakam Leak Muk

  • 05.Charakam Leak Muk

  • 06.Charakam Leak Muk

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